volunteer information
Our events wouldn't work 1/1,000th as well as they do without the help of our spectacular volunteers. Whether you're the face at registration or the ticketer managing lines, each and every volunteer is beyond appreciated and noted as being a large reason why our events run as smoothly as they do. We can't do it without them. Want to be a part of the crew for Magic with the Belles?
Please note that signing up does not guarantee selection. A confirmation email with your assigned position will be sent if selected.
position information
Floater – You will be assigned a section of the room, and it's your job to take care of each author within your area. I like to tell our floaters to ask our authors, "Do you need anything?" until they're tired of seeing your face. Most any requests they'll ask of you will be very simple - grabbing them a bottle of water, being a seat filler while they run to the restroom, etc. If at any time you aren't sure how to help them with something they might need, you can always grab an event host or lead volunteer.
PA – As the PA to an author, you get to play the role of their accountant, photographer, and barista, along with many other requests they might have. You'll be sitting with the assigned author shown and helping to ensure that their table runs smoothly and efficiently. Some authors prefer for their PA to handle the cash/card reader. Many times you'll also be asked to take photos of a reader with the author. You'll find that past experience with one author might not necessarily work the same as the next. You'll find a groove, but essentially, you're their right-hand man throughout the full signing and through both sessions.
Registration (Check-in) – Your job will include checking in readers, handing out name tags, lanyards, and making sure each fan receives an event print. We would like registration to be set and ready to begin when the first attendee arrives, so we're asking all registration volunteers to check in by 7:00 AM. Registration will be relieved for signing time during the volunteer signings before each session at 8:30 AM & 2:30 PM.
Registration (Line Control) - We're going to do our best to keep the lines as clear-cut as possible. Your job will be to keep the lines managed, answer any questions from attendees while they wait, and explain the ticketing process to any who asks. We'll always be nearby to help if you aren't sure how to help, we promise.
Standby Volunteer - Life happens. We know that. Due to this crazy thing called life, some volunteers that are previously assigned will not be able to make it to the event. When we begin receiving notifications of volunteers that might have to drop (fingers crossed for not many!), we'll assign you to fill their spot. So you could honestly be anywhere in the room. Who knows! If you do have a specific request i.e. can't be on your feet for long periods of time, etc., please let us know so that we can plan accordingly.
Ticketer – As a ticketer, you'll be asked to help with line control for a specific author. Your duty will be to hand out numbered wristbands to fans as a way of controlling lines and helping the flow of traffic in the room. The process should work by standing at the end of your specific author’s line once the first 15 fans have arrived at her/his table. From those 15 on, you’ll hand out wristbands. The wristbands act as a placeholder for that reader. They aren’t losing their spot, it just gives them time to wander and meet new authors while waiting for their number to be called. It’s important to explain this to the reader if they question it since many think they’re not actually joining the line for the author by walking away.
Prior to the event beginning, we will gather phone numbers that we can use to text ticketing updates. As you’re handing out tickets, you’ll watch how the line moves. Once you’re down to 5 readers, either raise your hand as high in the air as you can to notify a floater, host or lead volunteer or shoot a quick text, which will notify the line update volunteer. Let them know what the next 10-15 numbers are to be called up. Shortly after, the website will reflect the new info, which should prompt those 15 fans to arrive at the table. From that point, it’s just rinse and repeat. Let the line lessen as you hand out numbers, then call up 15 more readers at a time in numerical order.
You’ll find a groove with your assigned table since some authors sign very quickly while others like to chat with each reader for a while. If you’re finding that you have to call up 15 at a time much too often because the author is moving quickly, feel free to alter your method to include 20 readers at a time, etc.
We’ll also have a meeting the morning of the event to clear up any confusion you might have regarding the process.